Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sweet Reminder

I don't know about you, but I tend to get a little flustered when things do not go according to MY plan.

Let's take Monday for example. We were scheduled to get a delivery from Rooms to Go for a set of Bunk Beds that our girls have been waiting for us to get them for over 10 months.  It has taken us a long time to find just the right set up and deal and we were so excited that they were finally arriving.

A few nights before, Ryan had taken apart the old bunk beds (twin over twin) to make way for the new (twin over full) so three girls had been camping out on their bedroom floor.  We were recovering from a big charity event that we had been planning for months that had taken place the evening before. The delivery truck was to arrive between the hours of 8 am and 12 pm, so I was letting our crew sleep in a little.  At 7:45 the delivery truck pulled up our driveway and I ran like a wild woman through the house waking up the girls, telling them to get dressed, and pulling up the bedding they were using on the floor where the new beds were going to go. THEY WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE THAT wasn't in my plan.

After a few minutes of dusting off my rusty Spanish in listening to the two delivery men discuss something outside my daughters' bedroom, I realized our problem.  The steps leading up the side of the new beds wouldn't round the corner AND make it into the door of the bedroom prepared to receive them.  NO!!!  NO, NO, NO!!!!  That was NOT what I wanted to hear.  It quickly became apparent to me that we were going to have to switch the girl's bedrooms around.  The steps would fit into the other room because there wasn't a corner blocking the entrance.  SO We then had to take my older daughters' "pack rat" room to pieces and pull out their beds and ALL THE STUFF STORED UNDER THEM....out into our living room. 

The men set up the new beds in the room that fit, but NOT in the room I had prepared....and NOW I was really hadn't eaten breakfast, the dishes were partly in and out of the dishwasher, and my day was blown. Forget about trying to school now.  We had to plan our trip from one end of the house to the other ducking in and out of the older girls' bed frames just to go to the bathroom.  The men had blocked the kid's bathroom with the mattresses from the older girls' beds...and THEN they left me...they didn't set the older girls' beds up for me in the other room before they left.  They put in the new bunks and then left me 5 kids and all the chaos.

Now, that would be enough to stress me out, but add to it that evening's Band and Chorus Concert for my husband and now I am running errands all over town picking up tux pants for  a student here, and plastic forks and knives for the desserts afterward, there...and you get the picture.  I couldn't even begin to deal with the chaos that was in my home...not good.  Distracted Mama makes for a snappy Mama, and I needed the Lord to place a guard not only over my mouth, but over my thoughts...because we speak that which is in our hearts.

Well I was done by the end of the concert that evening, and we still had to set up the beds for the older girls before they could got to sleep.  They could have slept on the floor, but I wanted to put their beds up because they had been so especially great in agreeing to change rooms SO suddenly. (when I KNEW they didn't want to.)

Exhausted, and ready to crash, I walked up the steps to the new bunks to tuck in Laura (8), up WAY past her bedtime.  I gave her a kiss, and she asked if we were going to do school the next day.  I said, "Honey, Mama has to worry about how to get everything back in order tomorrow."  Then it happened...the scripture that Laura has been hiding in her heart came out, and she admonished and encouraged me all at once.  Smiling, she sweetly said, "Mama, 'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.' Mat 6:34" 

Out of the mouths of babes... :)


  1. love the vulnerability here. it is hard when our plans get messed up. so hard. good reminder of truth from sweet laura. pictures of the new bunk bed please! :)

  2. love this. glad to know i am not the only one who struggles with guarding my tongue and heart when things don't go my way. that's just it though, isn't it. God calls us to His way - not my own, and days like this are reminders of that truth, and are what I consider His way of gently training me in righteousness. Oh, if only while I'm in the midst of them would I will begin to live what I already know.
