Monday, November 22, 2010

Let's Get Started

   So I've been encouraged to write a blog.  I've decided to stick with what I am passionate about, family.  All aspects.  Marriage, child training, health, education, spiritual growth, I pretty much love it all.  But, in all the love, I have found it to be my deepest challenge, this raising of the next generation.  It has required me to learn more of what Jesus means when He asks us to die to ourselves than I have ever experienced in my life before.  I am no longer my own.  I do not come and go as I please, and every decision I make is now weighted with the best interests of those entrusted to me.  No wonder so many women miss the joy, and freedom...they're too busy looking at the boundaries that God has placed around them.  Too busy resenting those boundaries, and therefore failing to see that they have fallen in pleasant places.  Boundaries can give us definition, and focus.  Boundaries can bring us safety, and offer us a place to bloom.

  So perhaps as I examine my boundaries here, I can be an encouragement to other moms who desire to walk this path...this dying to self to bring life by the ten-fold.  I desire to leave a legacy.  And I believe the biggest impact that legacy will have will be through my children.


  1. Woohoo! This is great! I can't wait to see what your do with this!

  2. Oh, BTW - Get yourself a twitter account, then go to You can set it up there to automatically tweet your blog posts.

    Also, you can set up in your Facebook profile to automatically make every post a note in FB. Go to your profile on the Notes page. On the bottom left side of the page, there's a thing that says "Edit Import Settings".

    In both cases, you'll need to use your blog's RSS feed URL, NOT the regular URL to the blog.

    I've already figured our yours for you. It's

    Next time I'm at your place we'll get you set up with Google Analytics too. :)

  3. Oh, sorry to hog the comments - start setting up categories for your posts - you can categorize posts you've already done, too. There's a widget in the setup that you can put on the page that shows the categories to your readers so if they're looking for a specific type of post they can easily find it.

    OK, I'm done hijacking your comments now. :)

  4. Cathlyn, Since I first met you in college you have been an encouragement to me. I am so glad you are sharing your thoughts with us. I really needed to read these words today. God bless!
