Lessons from Disney World
The older girls had been plotting how to best use our time to hit as many "thrill" rides as possible in each park. But, I had to remind them that the 7 year old had not yet ridden any roller coasters in her life, and if they pushed her to the thrill rides too quickly, she would hate them and fear them forever.
The 7 year old and I had talked before the trip. She likes to prepare herself for things, and has a bit of a hidden fear-streak in her. She asked me about the rides, and told me flat-out that she didn't want to go on any rides that were in the dark, went upside down, or were scary. This discussion took place over the lunch table, and I could see the look of concern coming over the older girls faces as the saw their doom to ride Winnie the Pooh, and It's a Small World, and like rides for their whole 1st time at Disney.
I told the seven year that she didn't need to worry, even about the scary rides (what constitutes scary at age 7 is a relative scale) as I was sure Disney paid a good amount of money to make sure that the rides were as safe as possible, and that no one would really get hurt at their parks. Careful what you say, children will listen. (Thanks Sondheim, I understand this now.)

As we got off the ride, Ryan and I turned to the youngest, and asked her how she liked it. She smiled at us and said, "I'm glad Mama told me about the rides not hurting anyone. I just closed my eyes and remembered that no one would get hurt." Basically, she decided just to close her eyes and trust what I told her.
Wow, the faith of a child. Because she trusted that we wouldn't lie to her, she was able to act on faith when her circumstances were not to her liking. I was so proud of her, and deeply convicted in my heart. Am I trusting what God promises to me in the scriptures are true? Do I close my eyes (so to speak) when the circumstances of my life are not to my liking, and remind myself of God's Truth to comfort and protect my soul? (Ps. 23)
God is not a man that He should lie. He has proven Himself trustworthy time and again. So when things like our monthly support being at 16% stare me in the face, I must remind myself that He will provide where He leads, and that He makes all things beautiful in His time. (Ecc. 3:11)
The circumstances that we see in our lives are much like the facade that Disney portrays all over their parks. There is another world to Disney behind-the-scenes, as Ryan and the four older girls got to see first hand when their ride literally stopped on the slopes of Mt. Everest. After 45 minutes, and a trip down the stairs inside the mountain, our family was finally reunited. They assured me that things look different "Back Stage". I wonder how different things would look to us if we could see all that God was doing behind the "show" of our life's circumstances.